Untitled. Milenko Matanović
“Untitled Object” by Milenko Matanović is part of his ongoing exercises to keep his eye, brain, and hand aligned. According to the principles of the OHO group, the alignment of the senses is essential. The name “OHO” is derived from two Slovene words: “OKO” (eye) and “UHO” (ear). Simultaneous seeing and hearing gives rise to a unique perspective on the world, one that cannot be attained through the use of a single sense. Since ancient times, the eyes have been a primary means of perceiving the world. Interestingly, the ancient Greek word for “idea” is closely related to “idein,” which means “to see.” Most of our cognition is based on visual input. But in his quick sketches, which he continues to create today, Matanović challenges the notion that vision is the dominant sense for cognition. These drawings, swiftly executed in ink or watercolor, reflect this tradition. L.S.