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Adam Szymczyk at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, 2019–2021

Lecture "Principle of Equality" by Anka Ptaszkowska, 2019, photo Viktor Brazdil
Lecture "Principle of Equality" by Anka Ptaszkowska, 2019, photo Viktor Brazdil
Daniel Spörri at the exhibition „Wild Spoerri Rosenstein“ (c) Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 2019 ...
"Undoing Landscape" at Erste Campus, 2021, Photo: Anthia Loizou
"Undoing Landscape" at Erste Campus, 2021, Photo: Anthia Loizou
"Undoing Landscape" at Erste Campus, 2021, Photo: Anthia Loizou
Lecture "Principle of Equality" by Anka Ptaszkowska, 2019, photo Viktor Brazdil
Lecture "Principle of Equality" by Anka Ptaszkowska, 2019, photo Viktor Brazdil
In cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and ERSTE Foundation, Kontakt initiated a course at the Academy that points out new pathways of teaching and learning based on the experimental pedagogical approaches of Eastern Europe’s neo-avant-garde.