Open Form - Game on an Actress´s Face
This scene from ‘Open Form’, entitled ’Game on an Actress`s Face’, presents a multilayered reflection on processuality, participation, media and mediatization. Using the ‘public’ face of an actress as if it was a neutral surface for a collective and collaborative artistic act, this first example of a processual Visual Game instructed participants to perform successive moves on this premise. Given that each move, each ‘utterance’ influenced the next one and modified the original situation, the rule was to react to each other’s moves, opening new possibilities for others to express themselves. The collective Activity established a form of visual language. The camera shows a close-up of the actress’s face, the ‘players’ remain outside the frame. The actress, Ewa Lemańska, became very popular in the early 1970s as Maryna, the fiancée of the main hero in the film series Janosik.
Quoted from: "KwieKulik: form is a fact of society." Ed. Zofia Kulik, Łukasz Ronduda, Warsaw : BWA Wrocław - Galleries of Contemporary Art, 2009, p.38.
Quoted from: "KwieKulik: form is a fact of society." Ed. Zofia Kulik, Łukasz Ronduda, Warsaw : BWA Wrocław - Galleries of Contemporary Art, 2009, p.38.