In her video Responsibility, Alina Kleytman uses the title to raise the question of who here, if anyone at all, bears or has assumed responsibility. When she produced this video, there had already been three years’ worth of war in the oblasts of Luhansk und Donetsk, and the situation in Ukraine was one of great uncertainty. Here, Kleytman herself appears as a young woman who, in darkness, walks down a scantily lit and scary-looking street. Kleytman herself is likewise of an unsettling appearance, with theatrical clothing that seems as if from another era, smeared makeup, and cheap white plastic bags in her hands with products from the grocery from which she emerged at the beginning of the video. The ugly garments that she wears convey a disconcerting impression of her. She continues on, fighting against her shame. The plastic bags symbolize the shortage of resources available to her, be they material or otherwise in nature. They also contain her goals, desires, and dreams, and they seem difficult for her to bear. With great effort, Kleytman carries them forward into uncertainty. S.E.