Story on Copies
During the 1980–85 period, Goran Đorđević exhibited his copies in a series of exhibitions in Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana, and Berlin. These copies appeared in various materials and various forms of trans-contextualization: some were “straightforward” copies of Malevich, Mondrian, Buren, Andre, and others, while others were insertions of these copies to “unlikely” contexts. Eight copies of Malevich from 1980, now held by the Kontakt collection, were painted on humble cardboard, while the work “PM” features a copy of Mondrian painting inserted into a sentimental image of Christ, who is thus shown pointing his finger at a Neo-Plasticist composition as if it were his “Sacratissimum Cor.” “Story on Copies” is a series of 735 photographs with textual explanations done so as to reconstruct Đorđević’s memories of the entire historical period from his meeting with Mel Ramsden in 1979 to the exhibition “Scenes of Modern Art” in 1985, which was the final exhibition that bore his name. The slideshow itself was assembled for the first “retrospective exhibition” of Đorđević’s copies in Belgrade and Ljubljana in 2011/12. B.D.