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    • Tract
  • 2011
  • 16mm film transferred to digital, color, no sound; permanent loan
  • 9min, 10sec
“Tract” is the result of an engagement with dance notation and its relationship to perceptions of space in abstract film and modern exhibition spaces. “Tract” is an abstract animated film projected onto the wall of an otherwise empty exhibition space. Whilst a color field defines an abstract area for action or movement on the architecture, elementary symbols and animated lines describe figures and their elementary movements which in early Baroque dance notations were called “tracts.” Pumhösl regards film projection as a component of a space. The film focuses on addressing the most fundamental historical definitions of figure, movement, and space.

“Florian Pumhösl – Räumliche Sequenz. Works in Exhibitions 1993-2012.” Ed. by Yilmaz Dziewior. Kunsthaus Bregenz. Bregenz: 2012. p. 258.