Animated Map
“Animated Maps” are the predecessors to all animated cartographic imagery in film and for example served as illustrations in weekly newsreel bulletins. In the First World War “animated maps” were frequently used to recreate battles cinematographically, they therefore represent evidence of exchanges between the military-industrial complex and abstract pictorial language at the beginning of the 20th Century. For this animation, a First World War soldier’s uniform was reconstructed after a photograph. A chronological sequence from individual pieces of the tailor’s pattern created a simple means of producing an animation to be screened as a loop. The absent figure of the soldier itself becomes an autonomous cartography, locating the logic of industrial production, in this case that of textile goods, in close proximity to the cinematographic apparatus.
“Florian Pumhösl – Räumliche Sequenz. Works in Exhibitions 1993-2012.” Ed. by Yilmaz Dziewior. Kunsthaus Bregenz. Bregenz: 2012. p. 170.
“Florian Pumhösl – Räumliche Sequenz. Works in Exhibitions 1993-2012.” Ed. by Yilmaz Dziewior. Kunsthaus Bregenz. Bregenz: 2012. p. 170.