R - for letter W
The earliest systematic activity of ŠKART was to design, print, and put up small-edition posters in various locations around Belgrade, actions that were accompanied by brief announcements in the programming of the independent radio station B-92. ŠKART NEWS consisted mostly of short propositions, or even just of a single word. For example, the word “loš” (“bad”) was uttered on the air whilst a poster with that very word was put up in some public place. Their posters also included a series dedicated to idiosyncratic individuals who had not adapted to their immediate or broader social environments. A friend who decided not to attend a school graduation and decided to “graduate alone”, or similar personal stories about “small gestures” of rejecting dominant routines and discourses and instead finding alternatives. They also produced posters informing the public about “small heroes” of civil society who found themselves put under pressure by authorities: radio presenters cut off from broadcasting, newspaper sellers accused of distributing independent journals, etc. B.D.