The video “Armatura” was produced by the independent radio station B-92, with which Škart collaborated frequently beginning in the 1990s. Prominent among the various employed slogans, being reiterated throughout the video in several languages and also performed by a ventriloquist, is: “Armature is the thing that connects us.” This phrase relates to the theme of 1architecture, which the group conceived of as determining all human relations. The song “Armature – love-technical hymn” premiered in 1993 at the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Architecture in a performance by the hard-core band URGH, the choir of the “Josip Slavenski” Music School, the Microb family, Marc Hawker, and various musicians. The video, directed by poet Nenad Jovanović, features the associated recording sessions as well as a poetry reading by the famous actor Stevo Žigon, a Dachau concentration camp survivor and antifascist, who also mounts a poster of graphically altered letters spelling the word “Armature” on the wall in a reference to Škart’s practice of outdoor poster interventions. Another phrase appearing in this context is: “If I lived in that house, I would caress the facade through the open window all the time,” which brings Škart’s poetic qualities to the fore. The hymn’s music was composed by Ana Kara-Pešić, who is seen dancing with Dragan Protić in an outdoor dancing scene. This work demonstrates the group’s collaborative efforts, which often result in performance and singing. W.S.