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East Side Story

East Side Story
    • East Side Story
  • 2008
  • double-channel video projection, color, sound
  • 14min
For "East Side Story" Igor Grubić used the TV footages of distressing events on the streets of Belgrade and Zagreb when the Gay Pride participants were assaulted (2001-2002). One channel of this video installation shows a split screen with one side alternating the footages from both events and the other showing a choreography by Irma Ormezo with a dancing company from Zagreb with dancers interpreting these events with their movements. “The dramaturgic structure of the work”, as Dejan Sretenović wrote, “focuses on the media representation of real events, foregrounding distressing and frightening scenes of violence, which constitute a warning that extreme nationalism, in the absence of an immediate ‘threatening’ ethnic Other, finds a new victim in the shape of ‘internal enemy’, embodied by sexual minorities in this case.” B.S.