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A Compartment Jumped out of Train.., (Collage-book with a Biotechnosphere)

Courtesy: Croy Nielsen, Vienna
Courtesy: Croy Nielsen, Vienna
Courtesy: Croy Nielsen, Vienna
    • A Compartment Jumped out of Train.., (Collage-book with a Biotechnosphere)
  • 1980s
  • pancil, ink, polygraphic clippings on paper
  • 20 × 16 cm
During the 1980s, Fedir Tetyanych self-published a collage book that interrogated his biotechnosphere theme with a surrealist twist. This book tells a story of a train crash in which a passenger car derails and its passengers flee. These travelers are then forced to transfer from one means of transport to the next, such as from steamboat to helicopter, and they eventually reach a point in space where they observe all of the train’s cars moving in their own orbits. Tetyanych described their movement as “a skillful and precise dance,” thanks to which humans could cross from one orbit to another. These cars mimic the functionalities of biotechnospheres: first as evacuation units, then as protective shelters, and finally as permanent homes for humans in outer space. N.Si.