“Tomorrows” is a public-space work conceived for the small town of Erlauf, Lower Austria. It arose as part of the project “Erlauf erinnert sich” [Erlauf Remembers] (2002). Erlauf achieved a certain historic significance at the conclusion of the Second World War when it witnessed the first encounter between an American and a Russian general following Nazi Germany’s capitulation on 5 May 1945.
Working together with preschoolers, Ondak took up the aspect of Erlauf’s historical quality and, referring to photos he found in the local chronicles, reconstructed one representative act each. The events chosen were ones from the municipality’s more recent history: the unveiling of a monument, or the opening of a road. In something of a temporal reversal, the preschoolers—as the community’s future “representatives”—reenacted these events, and their reenactments were subsequently displayed around town as photographic posters. S.E.
Working together with preschoolers, Ondak took up the aspect of Erlauf’s historical quality and, referring to photos he found in the local chronicles, reconstructed one representative act each. The events chosen were ones from the municipality’s more recent history: the unveiling of a monument, or the opening of a road. In something of a temporal reversal, the preschoolers—as the community’s future “representatives”—reenacted these events, and their reenactments were subsequently displayed around town as photographic posters. S.E.