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Dalibor Chatrný, Schnurprojekte, 1971

Photo Adam Sakovy
Photo Adam Sakovy
Photo Adam Sakovy
Photo Adam Sakovy
Dalibor Chatrný, Schnurprojekte, 1971
offset print, typewritten text on paper
21,5 × 15,2 cm
cover with 11 cards inside

artist book (House of Art, Brno, publisher)

“Schnurprojekte” (which explored transitions between a floor and a wall in a gallery) was a way of following up on and reconstructing the project Eight-Hour Exhibition. Like the rest of Dalibor Chatrný’s works, it has to do with an individual’s impact on a given space. Like Eight-Hour Exhibition, it can be viewed as a prime example of Czech minimalist art. Which is, in fact, how Jiří Valoch repeatedly contextualized Chatrný’s works in his texts. The graphic realiza-tion and offset printing of an artist’s book on “Schnurprojekte” was arranged unofficially by the graphic designer Ivan Chatrný, Dalibor Chatrný’s brother, who had access to a graphic design studio at the art school. J.P.